Below you can find answers to some of the most common potential problems you might encounter. If these don't help and you think your problem is caused by a bug, drop us an email and we will do our best to assist you.

The website seems broken after an update

Before anything else, try clearing the browser cache. If that didn't help and you're using a caching plugin, make sure to also clear those caches.

Image upload error

Make sure permissions are set correctly, the /wp-content/upload folder should be set to 755. For a complete guide on permissions visit this page.

The homepage shows up, but nothing else loads

Check if %postname% is selected under Settings → Permalinks, if not enable it and save the changes.

If a message regarding the .htaccess file is displayed, connect to the server using an FTP client (or the File Manager plugin), check if it exists and if it contains the following code. If not, create it.

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

If this didn't help, the web server's mod_rewrite module might be disabled. Please contact your host and try again.

Clicking on a post/page triggers a full page reload

Most likely something is preventing our Javascript from working correctly.

One possible problem could be that you have SSL enabled on your site (https:// and a lock symbol show up in the browser address bar) but you're trying to view the non-secure version (http://). If that's the case, use a plugin such as Easy HTTPS Redirection to always redirect visitors to the secure version of your site.

Configuration page seems broken

If you previously had the Advanced Custom Fields plugin installed, make sure it is deactivated. The theme should have done so when installed, but double check. We include an embedded copy of ACF and it's not possible to also run it as an independent plugin.

Seeing an old version of the site / a page

The content is most likely cached. If using a caching plugin, make sure to clear the cache. Some hosts have their own caching mechanism which can be cleared from their control panel.

Something else is wrong

Check if there are any PHP or Javascript errors. For PHP, enable WP_DEBUG and check for any errors. For Javascript, open the Error Console (see this guide for Google Chrome) and look for any text in red.

If there's no errors, try disabling any active plugins to exclude incompatibilities. If that doesn't work either, please contact your host.